2012年4月23日 星期一


    4. 編目管理 Catalog Administration
    4.1. MARC 書目框架 MARC Bibliographic Frameworks
    4.2. Koha MARC 對照表 Koha to MARC Mapping
    4.3. 鍵詞至 MARC 對照表 Keywords to MARC Mapping
    4.4. MARC 書目框架測試 MARC Bibliographic Framework Test
    4.5. 權威記錄類別 Authority Types
    4.6. 分類法來源 Classification Sources
    4.7. 書目記錄對映規則 Record Matching Rules
    首頁 › 管理 › 目錄 › 機讀編目格式書目框架 Get there: More > Administration > Catalog > MARC Bibliographic Frameworks
重要 Important
不 要刪除或編輯預設的框架,會造成編目的麻煩;以預設框架為基礎,新增框架或修改其他框架。Do not delete or edit the Default Framework since this will cause problems with your cataloging records - always create a new template based on the Default Framework, or alter the other Frameworks.
  • 4.1.1. 新增書目記錄框架 Add New Framework
  • 新增書目記錄框架程序 To add a new framework
  • 點選 '新增書目記錄框架' Click 'New Framework'
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    • 書目記錄框架代碼必須少於4個字元 Enter a code of 4 or fewer characters
    • 描述欄位,鍵入詳細的內容 Use the Description field to enter a more detailed definition of your framework
  • 點選 ‘送出’ Click 'Submit'
  • 新增之後,點選框架右方的'機讀編目格式結構' Once your Framework is added click 'MARC structure' to the right of it on the list of Frameworks
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    • 會 問你,新的框架用於何種圖書資訊,簡化編目的程序。You will be asked to choose a Framework to base your new Framework off of, this will make it easier than starting from scratch
    框架出現在畫面後,就可以編輯或刪除欄位。Once your Framework appears on the screen you can edit or delete each field by following the instructions for editing subfields
    4.1.2. 編輯框架 Edit Existing Frameworks
    點 選框架右方的‘編輯’鈕,可以編輯該框架的描述:Clicking 'Edit' to the right of a Framework will only allow you to edit the Description for the Framework:
    編 輯框架裡的欄位時,需先點選框架右方的'機讀編目格式結構',然後依照下節的指示。 To make edits to the fields associated with the Framework you must first click 'MARC Structure' and then follow the instructions for editing subfields
    4.1.3. 新增分欄至框架 Add subfields to Frameworks
    點選框架上方的‘新增欄位’鈕,即可新增欄位。To add a field to a Framework click the 'New Tag' button at the top of the Framework definition
    將打開空白的表格,供鍵入欄位資料。This will open up a blank form for entering MARC field data
    鍵入新欄位的相關資訊:Enter the information about your new tag:
  • ‘欄位’是 MARC 的欄位編號The 'Tag' is the MARC field number
  • ‘圖書館的書標’是顯示在館員介面的編目模組文字The 'Label for lib' is the text that will appear in the staff client when in the cataloging module
  • ‘線 上公用目錄的書標’是顯示在線上公用目錄裡,Koha 顯示的文字The 'Label for OPAC' is the text that will appear in the OPAC when viewing the MARC version of the record
  • 若是可重複的欄位,則勾選‘可重複’If this field can be repeated, check the 'Repeatable' box
  • 若是必備的欄位,則勾選‘必備’ If this field is mandatory, check the 'Mandatory' box
  • 若 希望使用幾個特定的值,則點選‘容許值’If you want this field to be a pull down with limited possible answers, choose which 'Authorized value' list you want to use
結束時,按下‘儲存改變’。When you're finished, click 'Save Changes' and you will be presented with your new field
在 新欄位右方有個連結‘分欄’,可以新增分欄。To the right of the new field is a link to 'Subfields,' you will need to add subfields before this tag will appear in your MARC editor. The process of entering the settings for the new subfield is the same as those found in the editing subfields in frameworks section of this manual.
4.1.4. 編輯框架分欄 Edit Framework Subfields
框 架由MARC欄位與分欄構成,編輯欄位與分欄就是編輯框架。點選分欄右方的‘編輯’鈕,就可以改變該欄位的內容。 Frameworks are made up of MARC fields and subfields. To make edits to most Frameworks you must edit the fields and subfields. Clicking 'Edit' to the right of each subfield will allow you to make changes to the text associated with the field