2012年3月26日 星期一


讀者與流通 Patrons & Circulation
1. 讀者類型 Patron Categories
2. 縣市與鄉鎮 Cities and Towns
3. 道路型式 Road Types
4. 讀者屬性型式 Patron Attribute Types
5. 流通與罰款規則 Circulation and Fine Rules
6. 圖書館轉移限制 Library Transfer Limits
7. 館藏流通提示 Item Circulation Alerts

Settings for controlling circulation and patron information.
1. 讀者類型
Patron Categories
Patron categories allow you to organize your patrons into different roles, age groups, and patron types.
首頁 › 管理 › 讀者和流通 › 讀者類型
Get there: More>Administration > Patrons & Circulation > Patron Categories

Patrons are assigned to one of six main categories:
成人 Adult
最常用的讀者類型。Most common patron type, usually used for a general 'Patron' category.
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兒童 Child
Children patrons can have a guardian to be attached to them.
館員 Staff
圖書館員(工讀生、志工)應給館員類型,適度授權,進入館員介面。Librarians (and library workers) should be
assigned the staff category so that you can set their
permissions and give them access to the staff client.
機構 Organizational
Organizational patrons are organizations. Organizations can be used as guarantors for Professional patrons.
專業 Professional
Professional patrons can be linked to Organizational patrons
統計 Statistical
This patron type is used strictly for statistical purposes, such as in house use of items.
Adding a patron category
點選頁面上緣的 ‘新增類型’,即可新增讀者類型。
To add a new patron category click 'New Category' at the top of the page

The 'Category Code' is an identifier for
your new code.
重要 Important
The category codeis limited to 10 characters (numbers and letters)
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重要 Important
This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will be presented with an error.

Enter a plain text version of the category in the 'Description' field.
重要 Important
This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will
be presented with an error.

Enrollment period(in months) should be filled in if you have a limited enrollment period for your patrons (eg. Student cards expire after 9 months or until a specific date)
重要 Important
You cannot enter both a month limit and a date until. Choose to
enter either one or the other.
重要 Important
This field is required in order to save your patron category. If left blank you will
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Finally you can assign advanced messaging preferences by default to
a patron category
重要 Important
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Requires that you have EnhancedMessagingPreferences enabled
重要 Important
These can be changed for individual patrons, this setting is just a default to make it easier to set up messages for an entire category
2.縣市和鄉鎮 Cities and Towns
To standardize patron input youcan define cities or towns within your region so that when newpatrons are added librarians simply have to select the town from alist instead of having to type the town and zip (or postal) codeinformation.
首頁 › 管理 › 讀者和流通 › 讀者類型 › 縣市和鄉鎮
Get there:More > Administration > Patrons & Circulation > Cities and
1.新增縣市 Adding a City
To add a new city, click the 'New City' button at the top of the
page and enter the city name, state, zip/postal code and country.

One you click Submit, your city will besaved and will be listed on the Cities and Towns page
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Cities can be edited or deleted at any time.
2.2.在新增讀者表格檢視縣市 Viewing Cities on Patron Add Form
If you have defined local cities using the New city form, then when adding or editing a patron record you will see those cities in a pull down menu to make city selection easy.

This will allow for easy entry of local cities into the patron record without risking the potential for typos or mistaken zip/postal codes.
3.道路類型 Road Types
To standardize patron input you can define road types within your region so that when new patrons are added librarians simply have to select the road from a list instead of having to type it in.
祕訣 Tip
If you want your patrons to have their road types abbreviated all of the time then you can enter the appropriate abbreviations here, if you'd like the road types to always be spelled out you can do that here as well.
1. 新增道路類型 Adding Road Types
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To add a road type, click 'New Road Type' and then enter the road type the way you'd like it displayed.

Once you submit the form, your new road type will be listed on the Road Types page

2.在新增讀者表格檢視道路類型 Viewing Road Types on
Patron Add form
When adding or editing a patron, if you have road types defined, there will be a pull down to choose the road type from.

3.讀者屬性型式 Patron Attribute Types
讀者屬性定義客製欄位與讀者記錄的關係,需先設定ExtendedPatronAttributes 系統偏好為啟用。
Patron attributes can be used to define custom fields to associate with your patron records. In order to enable the use of custom fields you need to set the ExtendedPatronAttributes system preference.
首頁 › 管理 › 讀者和流通 › 讀者屬性形式
Get there: More >Administration > Patrons & Circulation > Patron attribute types
A common use for this field would be for a student ID number or a Driver's license number.
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1.新增讀者屬性 Adding Patron Attributes
To add a new Patron Attribute Type, click the 'New Patron Attribute Type' button at the top of the page
In the 'Patron attribute type code', enter a short code to identify this field
重要 Important
This field is limited to 10 characters (numbers and letters only)
重要 Important
This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined
In the 'Description' field,enter a longer (plain text) explanation of what this field will contain
Check the box next to 'Repeatable' to let a patron record have multiple values of this attribute.
重要 Important
This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined
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If 'Unique identifier' is checked, the attribute will be a unique identifier which means, if a value is given to a patron record, the same value cannot be given to a different record.
重要 Important
This setting cannot be changed after an attribute is defined
Check 'Allow password' to make it possible to associate a password with this attribute.
Check 'Display in OPAC' to display this attribute ona patron's details page in the OPAC.
Check 'Searchable' to make this attribute searchable in the staff
patron search.
Check 'Display in check-out' to make this attribute visible in the patron's short detail display on the left of the checkout screen and other patron pages

‘容許值類型’;選定後,讀者記錄的輸入頁面,將祗能選擇容許值。Authorized value category; if one is selected, the patron record input page will only allow values to be chosen from the authorized value list.
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You will first need to add an authorized value list for it to appear in this menu
首頁 ›管理 › 基本參數 › 容許值
Get there: More > Administration > Basic Parameters > Authorized Values
重要 Important
an authorized value list is not enforced during batch patron import.
點選儲存。Click Save to save your new attribute
Once added your attribute will appear on the list of attributes and
also on the patron record add/edit form

2.編輯/刪除讀者屬性 Editing/Deleting Patron Attributes
Each patron attribute has an edit and a delete link beside it on the list of attributes.
Some fields in the attribute will not be editable once created:
讀者屬性類型代碼 Patron attribute type code
可重複 Repeatable
唯一識別符號 Unique identifier
You will be unable to delete an
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attribute if it's in use.                               

