2012年5月13日 星期日


3.2. 縣市和鄉鎮 Cities and Towns
表單裡選擇,不必逐一輸入資訊。To standardize patron input you
can define cities or towns within your region so that when new
patrons are added librarians simply have to select the town from a
list instead of having to type the town and zip (or postal) code
首頁 › 管理 › 讀者和流通 › 讀者類型 › 縣市和鄉鎮 Get there:
More > Administration > Patrons & Circulation > Cities and
3.2.1. 新增縣市 Adding a City
家。To add a new city, click the 'New City' button at the top of the
page and enter the city name, state, zip/postal code and country.
點選‘送出’後,儲存該縣市。One you click Submit, your city will be
saved and will be listed on the Cities and Towns page
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任何時間,都可以編修或刪除縣市。Cities can be edited or deleted
at any time.

3.5. 流通與罰款規則 Circulation and Fine Rules
式。These rules define how your items are circulated, how/when
fines are calculated and how holds are handled.
首頁 › 管理 › 讀者和流通 › 流通及罰款規則 Get there: More >
Administration > Patrons & Circulation > Circulation and fines
從最特殊至最不特殊,依序使用這些規則:The rules are applied
from most specific to less specific, using the first found in this
相同圖書館、相同讀者類型、相同館藏類型 same library, same
patron type, same item type
相同圖書館、相同讀者類型、所有館藏類型 same library, same
patron type, all item type
相同圖書館、所有讀者類型、相同館藏類型 same library, all
patron types, same item type
相同圖書館、所有讀者類型、所有館藏類型 same library, all
patron types, all item types
所有圖書館、相同讀者類型、相同館藏類型 all libraries, same
patron type, same item type
所有圖書館、相同讀者類型、所有館藏類型 all libraries, same
patron type, all item types
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所有圖書館、所有讀者類型、相同館藏類型 all libraries, all
patron types, same item type
所有圖書館、所有讀者類型、所有館藏類型 all libraries, all
patron types, all item types
祕訣 Tip
‘所有圖書館’的規則,可能把預約中的書借出)If you are a
single library system choose your branch name before creating
rules (sometimes having only rules for the 'all libraries' option
can cause issues with holds)
重要 Important
約問題。Koha 需要知道使用什麼規則。At the very least you
will need to set a default circulation rule. This rule should be set
for all item types, all libraries and all patron categories. That will
catch all instances that do not match a specific rule. When
checking out if you do not have a rule for all libraries, all item
types and all patron types then you may see patrons getting
blocked from placing holds. You will also want a rule for your
specific library set for all item types and all patron types to
avoid this holds issue. Koha needs to know what rule to fall
back on.
3.5.1. 預設流通規則 Default Circulation Rules
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Using the issuing rules matrix you can define rules that depend on
patron/item type combos. To set your rules, choose a library from
the pull down (or 'all libraries' if you want to apply these rules to all
the matrix you can choose any combination of patron categories
and item types to apply the rules to
者。First choose which patron category you'd like the rule to be
applied to. If you leave this to 'All' it will apply to all patron
Choose the 'Item Type' you would like this rule to apply to. If
you leave this to 'All' it will apply to all item types
在‘借出總數’欄位,輸入可借出的總數。Limit the number of
items a patron can have checked out at the same time by
entering a number in the 'Current Checkouts Allowed' field
設定‘借期()’Define the period of time and item can be
checked out to a patron by entering the number of days in the
'Loan Period' box.

